Tips & Tools

Letting go, enjoying the show

For better or worse, I’ve always loved being in charge. When I was five, I spent my entire ballet recital trying to get the girl next to me to dance correctly–I hardly danced at all. In middle school group projects, … continue reading

Taking in an unusual, thrilling experience

There’s a long tradition of playwrights appearing in their own plays.  Shakespeare, Moliere, and Noel Coward all spring to mind.  This practice goes back to Thespis, the first actor in the Western world and the reason we call actors “thespians”.  … continue reading

The devotion of a dedicated team

The other night actor Chase Stoeger asked me, “How is your little skit coming along?” He was referring to our world premiere musical comedy “Guys & Does.” I appreciated his irony. Occasionally patrons call our shows “skits”, a term that … continue reading

The biggest reason we write

Recently I was chatting with Dave Hudson, who wrote the book and lyrics for two of this summer’s AFT musicals, “Cheeseheads” and “Muskie Love”. I asked Dave how “Main-Travelled Roads” was doing. This was our fall show two seasons ago, … continue reading